The Spruce Mountain Wind Project is a 20 megawatt, 10-turbine wind project located in Woodstock, Maine. The project was built over the course of 6 months and provided jobs for about 150 workers. Spruce Mountain Wind became operational in December 2011.
Spruce Mountain Wind's 10 Gamesa G90 2-MW wind turbines produce over 60 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of emission-free electricity each year. That is enough to power about 9,600 homes (based on 500 kWh per home per month) and reduces the amount of CO2 emissions by the equivalent of almost 3 million gallons of gasoline consumed.
Spruce Mountain Wind was developed by Patriot Renewables, LLC and constructed by Eco Industries, LLC, an affiliate of Jay Cashman, Inc.
Click here to see a presentation of Spruce Mountain Wind's construction, or the video about the Spruce Mountain Wind Project to the right.